Marinated ‘bellos.

Posted on April 3, 2010


Hey everybody, I hope your weekend has started out well.  Mine started out awesome.  I was in bad need of girls night out.  So MC and I went down to Tumbleweed on the river.  There was about a 2 hour wait, and the only thing we really wanted were drinks.  It was $1.99 margaritas……SUHWEET!!!!  So we got 2 a piece.

I had a great night out with my girl.

Today has been very productive.  I mixed up my schedule, and thought I had to be at work at 11, but turns out it is 5.  So I came home and made some lunch.  I marinated a few portobello’s in balsamic vinegar and a tablespoon of sucanat.  I then sauteed them with zucchini and red peppers, and ate it over an Arnold Thin.  It was yummy

Gotta head to work now.  Hope u enjoy the rest of ur weekend.

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